Monday, 3 August 2015

ABAP Basics Part-2

ABAP related T-CODE :

Select-options  : 

Select-options is a keyword which accepts the single value, multiple single values, single range & multiple ranges from selection screen or Key board.

Syntax of select-options: -
Select-options <name of the select-options> for <variable name>.

Ex: -
Data v1 type T001-BUKRS.
Select-options S_BUKRS for v1.

Syntax of select-options in select query: -

Select <filed1> <filed2> ---- from <database table> into table <Internal Table> where <filed> in <select-options>.

Based on given company codes, display the company codes, company names & cities.
Data v1 type T001-Bukrs.
Select-options S_BUKRS for v1.
Data: Begin of WA_T001,
     BUKRS type T001-BUKRS,
     BUTXT type T001-BUTXT,
     ORT01 type T001-ORT01, 
     End of WA_T001.
Data IT_T001 like table of WA_T001.

Select BUKRS BUTXT ORT01 from T001 into table IT_T001 where BUKRS in S_BUKRS.

Loop at IT_T001 into WA_T001.
  Write: / WA_T001-BUKRS, WA_T001-BUTXT, WA_T001-ORT01.


Parameter is a key word which accepts single value from selection screen at run time.
Parameter <name of the parameter> type <data type>
Ex: - parameter P_BUKRS type T001-BUKRS.

Syntax of parameter in select query: -
Select <filed1> <filed2> ---- from <database table> into table <Internal Table> where filed = <parameter>
Ex: -
Select BUKRS BUTXT LAND1 from T001 into table IT_T001 where BUKRS = P_BUKRS.

Parameters P_LAND1 type KNA1-LAND1.

Data: Begin of WA_KNA1,
     KUNNR type KNA1-KUNNR,
     NAME1 type KNA1-NAME1,
     LAND1 type KNA1-LAND1,
     End of WA_KNA1.

Data IT_KNA1 like table of WA_KNA1.
Select KUNNR NAME1 LAND1 from KNA1 into table IT_KNA1 where LAND1= S_LAND1.
Loop at IT_KNA1 into WA_KNA1.

Difference between Select Query and Parameters

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