dictionary is the central source of the database management system.
The main
functionality of the DDIC is to create or alter the tables.
Creating the db table by using
DDIC in two ways: -
- Direct method / Pre defined method / Built in method
- Data element method.
Technical requirement to create
the table: -
- Name of the table must be starts with ‘y’ or ‘z’ because 'a' to 'x' is reserved for SAP.
- Provide list of fields, data types and lengths.
- Provide the delivery class.
Delivery class: - It
defines the owner of the table as well as it controls the transport of the data
from one table to another table.
setting is nothing but combination of DATA CLASS & SIZE OF THE CATEGORY.
Data class: - Data class
defines the physical area of the database in where our table is logically
stored. Some of the important data classes are
APPL 0 is a Master data class
APPL 1 is a Transaction data class
APPL 2 is a Organisation data class
Master data class: -
Master data class is the data, which data we can access frequently as well as
update rarely.
Ex: - customer
master data, employee master data
Transactional data: -
It’s the data, which data we can access frequently as well as updated
Ex: - Sales
order data, purchase order data
Technical data
is dependent data.
Organizational data: -
It’s the data, which data we can access frequently & updated rarely.
Organizational data is created at the time system configures.
Ex: - Company
data, branches data
Size category: - It
determines the space require for the table.
Each table
must have at least one field as primary field that should be the character data
type that should be in the first field in the table.
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